Meet Lashell

Lashell Meidinger

Lashell is trained in Phase Contrast Microscopy and has been doing Live Blood Analysis since 2007. She holds all 4 Levels of Education as a Wholistic Rejuvenist .   She believes if you get to the root of the health issue and give your body what it needs….your body has the ability to repair and rejuvenate.

Toxic mold devastated her health…..severely damaging her immune system causing her to be consistently sick.  She also had severe allergies and allergic reactions, liver damage, daily total exhaustion, memory loss, chemical sensitivity – and was riddled with parasites .

After regaining her own health using Live Blood Analysis, Body Cleansing and Nutrition Based Products……Lashell now shares her success with those who desire to regain or maintain their health.

She is also the Co-Host of news talk radio “Let’s Stay Healthy” … 730 am on your dial in Billings, MT. Monday, Wednesday and Friday …. 8-9 AM Mountain time.   Archives of the show are available at…….click on “Let’s  Stay Healthy” and enjoy.

For more information:
