Product Use

Essential 1 – Plant Enzymes

Week 1: 1 cap w/evening meal only 
Week 2: 1 cap w/each meal
Week 3: 2 caps w/each meal
Week 4: 3 caps w/each meal

Continue taking 3 caps with each meal daily. Also take 1-2 caps before bed on an empty stomach or take 1-2 caps between meals to address toxicity.

Essential 2 – Sterol Max™

First 60 Days: 6 capsules each day 1 hour before breakfast 
Because the Sterol Max particles are so large they need to be taken on an empty stomach for maximum absorption. Continue taking: 3 caps each day 1 hour before breakfast

Enriching Gifts Sterols are made solely from plant sprout sources.

Essential 3 – Daily Detox

1-2 capsules per day: One in the morning and/or one in the evening with meals. 

Essential 4 – Pro Biotics

First 60 Days: 2 capsules with each meal. 
From then on: 1 capsule with each meal.

Acts as your “2nd Immune System” Helps restore the good intestinal bacteria.

Essential 5 – Complete Vitamin Plus

5 capsules per day maximum: 3 in the morning and two in the evening with meals.

A comprehensive vitamin, mineral, nutrient, amino acid, antioxidant and anti-aging formula. Meets and exceeds 100% of all RDA recommended vitamins, minerals etc from one source. All the phytonutrients are from a single capsule source Standardized raw material ingredients, double tested and analyzed for purity, potency and toxicity through independent testing. Meets or exceeds highest potency and purity requirements.

Coral Life

Take 3 capsules per day: 1 with each meal. 

Most bio-available form of calcium known. Completely absorbed by your body, unlike synthetic products. Neutralizes acid and helps maintains pH balance throughout your body and contributes to the strength, health and function of every single cell. Supplements calcium that is depleted in your bones. Helps alkalize the body and prevent acid indigestion due to over acid production.

Metabolic Complete

Take 2 capsules per day: 1 with your morning and evening meal. (if needed increase to 4 to 6 capsules a day) 

Enriching Gifts Metabolic Complete formulation is based on 2-time Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling’s research on Cancer Prevention and reversal. Complete antioxidant formula. One of the highest antioxidant formulas available, it also crosses the blood brain barrier.

Aloe Ace Max

Take 1 to 3 capsules per day between meals. 

1 capsule equals 32 oz of aloe juice. Contains up to 100 times more polysaccharides than any other Aloe or juice product on the market, anywhere in the world. Provides 200 bio-active components including 20 essential amino acids.

Heart Algae

Take 2 capsules per day: 1 capsule with your morning and evening meal. 
Antioxidants play a very important role in the maintenance of your health. Enriching Gifts International’s Red Heart Algae is 500 to 1,000 times more potent than Vitamin C, and 1,000-3,000 times more effective than Vitamin E as an antioxidant.

Lightining Colloidal Silver

Take 1 oz daily as needed. Not to exceed 6 weeks continued use orally. Ideally taken on an empty stomach. (not recommended for use while taking Pro-Biotics)